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Learning Assessment

Minxin adopts high-quality assessment with multiple mode of feedback. The school combines the following modes to collect student feedback in a spiral, progressive approach which aims at conducting a more effective high-quality evaluation:

Effective assessment methods should consist of

1. Assessment of learning: summative assessment / assessment of learning

2. Assessment for Learning: formative assessment / assessment for learning

3. Assessment as Learning: self-assessment / peer assessment / assessment as learning


The school adopts the ten principles proposed by R. Berry (2014) to introduce assessment to promote learning:

1. Feedback: clear, timely, targeted and positive;

2. Feed forward: align with learning goals, based on the current learning situation, to enhance subsequent learning

3.  Selecting assessments susceptible to learning

4.  Drawing on joint-efforts amongst colleagues

5.  Assessing student continuously

6.  Allowing student’s participation in assessment process

7.  Using assessment to uncover learning

8.  Making marking criteria accessible

9.  Providing feedback

10.  Analysing & reporting results


In addition, based on the theory of scholar Dr. YAN Zi, elements of self-assessment and peer-assessment are added. As self-assessment requires students to evaluate their own work and manipulate the metacognitive process. Self-assessment helps students search for appropriate learning strategies; it can be used to monitor the learning process, promote self-correction, and guide learning towards the learning goals; and it is also helpful for reflection on the learning outcomes and pointing out direction for future learning (Harris and Brown 2018; Yan 2020).

Three assessment methods are mutually used to achieve effective learning and teaching effectiveness.

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